Sunday, December 19, 2010

V.O.B. - Movies: SLOWBOARDING by Motion Lights

SLOWBOARDING from Motion Lights on Vimeo.

This audiovisual explore longboarding as sport, from the slow motion perspective.
Taking the time remapping as leitmotiv, we search the way of making contrast between the movement and the tricks of these riders.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

V.O.B. - Motion Graphics: 7D 2000 fps by Oton Bačar

7D 2000 fps from Oton Bačar on Vimeo.

V.O.B. - Art: Gigantic faces in landscapes

Gigantic Faces art
New Art /

Gigantic faces in landscapes

Jorge Rodriguez Gerada likes the human face — and he likes big dimensions. His favourite canvas? Nature and landscapes. The result are these Monumental Art Installations.
Gigantic Faces art
Gigantic Faces art
Gigantic Faces art
Gigantic Faces art

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

V.O.B. - Illustration: Dunhill Chris Dent Illustration

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