Monday, July 19, 2010

V.O.B. - Technology: The iPod Wall

Posted by Laith Wallace @ Vessel Of Beauty

The iPod Wall from welikesmall on Vimeo.


This is a video showing the build of the Welikesmall iPod wall. It was made from 20 iPods over the course of about three weeks in our spare time. Tasks included building and designing the wooden box, programming an iPhone application that runs off the Game Kit framework, hacking a USB hardware fan together, developing a Python / Django web server application, and designing a quick UI. To keep the wall constantly powered we used a Cambrionix B2 USB powered hub.

Our current iPhone Application allows for 4 different modes, a screen saver mode, a full image split mode (the controlling iPod looks for an image and then the server executes a script to split that image among all 20 iPods), a single image grid mode (the controlling iPod tells the server to give a random image to each iPhone), and a hybrid mode which displays all three. In addition, the server is always checking to ensure that each iPod is synched.


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